PAC Pike Angler of the Year, Graham Slater, has provided some helpful tips for taking photos of your pike while fishing alone for the PAC website. Although he seems to have forgotten to pick the fish up for the shot on the right!
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About the PAC
The Pike Anglers' Club of Great Britain was formed in 1977 as a direct result of changing attitudes toward pike. For far too long pike had been regarded by fishery owners and some anglers as vermin, to be killed and removed at all costs. Since it's inception, the PAC has done much to drastically change this mistaken attitude and pike are now widely regarded as a positive element in the natural balance of any fishery.
Pike fishing has without doubt become one of the most specialised branches of coarse fishing. Not least in the methods of handling, unhooking and safe return of the fish once caught.
The PAC works continually for the benefit of all pike and pike anglers, we seek only to further the opportunities for pike fishing, whilst preserving all that pike fishing is all about.
We strive to protect pike from persecution by those who do not understand, or choose to ignore, the facts about the important role the pike plays in the balance of nature. We also work to promote pike conservation through safe practice by anglers.