Sunday, August 27, 2006

Smile - you're on Kosh TV

Kosh TV, yet another arm of the anarchic outfit better known as Region 88 - from deepest Derbyshire - are going to be filming the PAC Convention in Leeds, on September 23.

There may also be a DVD of proceedings on offer afterwards, depending whether we can make the technology work.

We're also going to see if video clips can be added to the PAC website.

RA 88 RO Andy "Kosh" Kershaw and PAC press officer Chris Bishop are currently geeking out over it.

"The future is obviously enabling people to download video clips from the website, whether it's a short piece on how to unhook a fish or set a rig up, to more ambitious content like virtual slide shows," said Chris.

"Kosh has offered to take the first steps by videoing the Convention and seeing what we can do with the material. I'm really excited about the possibilities."