That's the message from events organiser Mark Skinner, as Pikelines goes out to members.
There are places available for Hykehem, a Lincolnshire gravel pit which has produced fish to the stamp of the pike pictured in recent seasons.
We have Hykeham reserved for Saturday, February 23 and Sunday, February 24.
We have Quays gravel pit in Surrey booked for the weekend of Saturday, February 16, and Sunday, February 17; while on Saturday, March 1, and Sunday, March 2, we will be returning to Ecton Lakes, Northants.
We have Hykeham reserved for Saturday, February 23 and Sunday, February 24.
We have Quays gravel pit in Surrey booked for the weekend of Saturday, February 16, and Sunday, February 17; while on Saturday, March 1, and Sunday, March 2, we will be returning to Ecton Lakes, Northants.
"We have not reproduced the applications slips for these events so you will need to use the slips from previous magazines, if you haven't got any to hand then simply put all the relevant details on a sheet of paper, include a cheque for the event you wish to attend, enclose a SAE and send it to me via the address in the magazine.
"You will then recieve an event pack, including rules, event ticket and directions to the fishery.
There is at time limit on accepting applications, so get them in now to avoid disapointment."