Saturday, July 14, 2007

Piking 2007 - second hand stalls update

The second-hand tackle stall has always been a popular part of the annual PAC Convention.
There will be a few changes at this year's event at Stoneleigh, Warks, on Saturday, September 22.
One of the main ones is we'll be having a dedicated stall for lures for the first time, alongside the normal second-hand tackle stall.

Special Events Organiser Mark Skinner will be overseeing both and he's asking for sellers to help things run smoothly.

Mark said: "By its nature it is one of the busiest and most energetic stalls at the convention and booking members items in can be a lengthy and time consuming affair, we are therefore asking members that wish to sell items to send me a stamped address envelope to which they will receive tackle/lure booking-in forms and a sheet of stickers to pre-log any items they wish to sell.

"This will save time standing around filling these forms in on the day, we can then quickly check them through which will save a lot of time and hassle for us prior to opening the stalls it will also ensure your items are booked in quickly enabling you to carry on and enjoy the convention."

Please read the following guidelines from Mark if you're thinking of bringing along items to sell on the day.

In general...
We will with in reason accept any items for sale, obviously we would not be too happy if a member turned up with a boat in tow, but you could bring details and photographs if you wanted to put them on the stall for members to look at.

As mentioned we will be having two stalls this year with one being for the normal everyday tackle and the other being a dedicated lure stall. The idea behind this being that it will give members more space to look at items, be less crowded and will defiantly give those running the stalls more time and space to offer a good selling service.

Our dedicated second-hand lure stall will I am sure will be a magnet for our members looking for those usual conference bargains.

But to aid those selling lures please take into account that when labelling lures please do so clearly with any relevant info added.

Putting on the sticker whether the lure is a sinking lure, floating lure etc will help members looking at lures and may be the difference to that lure being sold.

If you are selling lures in batches, again please label clearly what is contained in the batch. This can be done by packing lures in clear plastic bags, which will give members a chance to look at the lures without taking them out.

If you are selling lures in batches please ensure that you label each lure and the bag they are contained in, so if one lure is taken out of the bag for any reason and isn’t put back we will know what batch/bag it has been taken from.

I am pleased to say Chico Winterton R/O for the Lincoln region will be running this stall with some region members who have kindly offered to give there time up.

Selling Fees
Because of the time effort and work that goes into selling members items, we are this year increasing the percentage of selling members items from 10% to 20% of the total items sold. This means 20% of the total of members' items sold will be retained for the PAC club funds. This will be on top of the £2.00 charge for putting your items onto the PAC stall. This has been changed to reflect the work that goes into selling members items.

Seller's Forms
For those members wishing to sell items on this years second hand stall, please send A5 stamped addressed envelope to Mark Skinner at 41 Brook Street, Polegate, East Sussex BN26 6BH, stating how many forms and stickers you will require.

An initial Selling fee of £2.00 will be collected on the day, when selling forms have been checked agreed and logged in.

Thanks for your co-operation and I look forward to seeing you at Stoneleigh.
Mark Skinner
PAC Special Events Organiser