Sunday, September 07, 2008

Can you help with promoting the PAC

The club are currently carrying a considerable stock of old pikelines which we'd like to put to good use promoting the club.

Membership secretary John Cahill said: "Following a number of good initiatives by regions in using the magazines to promote the club in terms of membership and even given to schools we would like to use this stock for a better purpose.

"Postage costs are prohibitive at present and thus we would like to distribute these at the convention to anyone who will help us. In addition we need to get stocks of membership applications 'out there' pending a reprint of the form next year.

"Can you help us?

"If you are not attending the convention but know someone who is then please ask them to pick up a bundle."

Bulk requests from any member / RO can be made to John Cahill at who will have them prepacked for collection.