Monday, June 04, 2007

Convention second-hand stall changes

As members are aware the secondhand stall at our coming convention in Stoneleigh is going to be split into two, special events organiser Mark Skinner said tonight.
One stall will be for every day tackle items, run with the aid of volunteer helpers, while our new lure stall will be run by Lincoln RO Chico Winterton, run also with the aid of volunteer helpers.
To make things run smoothly we are asking those members out there that want to sell items on our secondhand stalls to log items for sale in advance.

"This will save time on the day and will ensure you will not have to stand there filling these sheets in and putting stickers on your items," Mark said.

"So if members are selling items at the convention please send me an SAE to the address in Pikelines, or if you're not a member please e-mail for more details to help us run things smoothly on what is certain to be a very busy day."

Mark's e-mail address is markregion70 (at) aol (dot) com