Sunday, June 03, 2007

PAC30 - a preview by Mark Barrett

If the orders that are streaming through my door are anything to go by, it seems like a lot of anglers are now aware of PAC30 - the Pike Anglers Club’s commemorative book to celebrate its 30th anniversary.

However for those of you that may be undecided about whether or not to be 100% certain of getting a copy here’s just a taster of what you could be getting.

“…..I made contact as the pike headed fortunately away from the overhanging trees and snags beneath, into open water. I soon had it under control and drew it towards the waiting net and in the half-light could make out only the silhouetted head and shoulders of what was obviously a very large pike. Once in the boat the single size 6 treble was removed with the aid of a torch, so quickly had the light gone. In to the weighing sling she went and with the Avon’s supported on the blade of an oar I read the weight at 23 ¼ lbs. Now I knew it was bigger than that so I reweighed it, with the same result. It then dawned on me; I was one revolution of the needle short of lowering the sling with contents onto the bottom of the boat I counted as the needle went round. Once, twice, thrice, almost four times to give me a weight of 31 ¼ lbs! I double checked, repeating the procedure to confirm I was right, hardly able to comprehend that I’d caught a fish so big….”

Taken from My Broads Records, by John Watson


“…What is it about that very first cast of the day? The thrill of the unknown quarry that may be waiting for your bait? The knowledge that pre-dawn is one of the key times to be on the bank? Or simply the relief that you are actually out fishing instead of doing all the other things that life throws at us in a seemingly endless stream? I’m sure we all have very personal reasons. Quickly baiting up, I cast the first morsel….”

Taken from Natures Finest, by Steve Ormrod.

These are just a sneak preview of some of the exciting and diverse chapters that make PAC30 the ‘must have’ book of the year.

To pre-order your copy then simply send a cheque for £25 (+ £5 for Postage and packing) for a hardback edition, or why not treat yourself to a leather-bound collectors edition for £185 (+£5 p+p).

Even better why not save yourself the postage and pick your copy up at the PAC convention on the 22nd September at Stoneleigh Park, Warks and get your book signed by many of the contributors.

Full details of the convention can be found at

Cheques or postal orders for PAC30 should be made out to “The Pike Anglers Club” and sent to:

Mark Barrett
32 Berristead Close

or order on-line at

Cover picture here.